Click OK to close the dialog and add your new material to the library.Type a Material Name for your new material.Navigate on your computer to the image file that you would like to add to the library, click on it to select it, then click the Open button to close the dialog and return to the Define Material dialog. Under Texture Source, click on the Browse button to display the Select Texture File dialog.In the Define Material dialog that displays, select the Texture panel.Navigate to the User Catalog folder, r ight-click once on User Catalog and select New> Material from the menu that displays.Select View > Library Browser from the menu to open the Library Browser window.To add a custom picture to the user catalog as a material Some common objects in which you may want to add a custom picture to include a picture frame, a painting canvas, or a computer or TV screen. Once this custom material is created, it can be added to your User Catalog and applied to an object in your plan. In Chief Architect, a custom picture an be imported and defined as a material. How can I add and apply a custom photograph to a frame, computer, or TV screen in my plan? The information in this article applies to: